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The documents provided on this site are provided for information purposes only. They provide general information about the field of financial planning. The content of the Website does not necessarily represent the opinions of Robin Veilleux or its clients. If you need specific advice about the services mentioned, please contact us. If you want to retain our services, please contact us by e-mail, by phone at 418-658-2689 or by mail at the following address:

Place de la Cité
Tour Belle Cour
2590 Laurier Boulevard, 3rd floor, suite 300
Québec (Quebec) G1V 4M6

Confidentiality of communications

Robin Veilleux cannot guarantee the confidentiality of communications sent by e-mail or through their Website. Although Robin Veilleux has made ​​reasonable efforts to ensure that the documents contained in this Website are accurate, it cannot guarantee that the documents are accurate, current or complete; that the Website will be available without interruption, error or omission; that defects will be corrected or that the Website and the server that makes it available are free of viruses or harmful components. The Website and documentation are provided “as is” and “as available” without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied.


Robin Veilleux and businesses associated with the creation and maintenance of this Website assume no liability for any damages resulting from the misuse of information provided thereon.

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The copyright on this Website and all documents contained therein belongs to Robin Veilleux or is the subject of a publication agreement. This Website may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express prior written consent of Robin Veilleux. For consent, please contact us at the address or phone number listed above.

Links to third-party Websites

The Robin Veilleux Website was designed to be a source of information on issues that might be of interest to current and prospective customers. Therefore, it contains links to third-party sites. These links are provided for convenience only and do not mean that Robin Veilleux endorses or recommends the information contained on linked Websites or that Robin Veilleux guarantees their accuracy, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose. Robin Veilleux assumes no responsibility for the content or practices of third-party Websites.

Personal information

The template for our personal information protection policy can be found here.


We appreciate your comments. If you have any questions or comments about the Robin Veilleux Website, please contact us at the address or phone number listed above.

Copyright © 2011 Robin Veilleux.


To receive our communications and advice related to group insurance.

Nous sommes prêts à vous aider. La COVID-19 étant une priorité, nous sommes déterminés à vous tenir informés. Précisions.